

You both are rich enough to hire the best historians to teach you, (by the way, where are the historians at? We need you!!!), but since one of you asked Olena Zelenska to teach you, and I imagine she is pretty busy right now, I will do my best with my BASIC knowledge.

I had a very different view of war when I was younger, despite what I had learned in school or from adults. Before I watched a time-lapse (which I can no longer find, but this one is close of how much of Europe Hitler’s Nazis had taken before the U.S. army and others participated or increased participation. Before I was deflated by narcissists who tricked their way into my life. I now understand there is nothing wrong with defending yourself from direct attack when it is the only way to save your life.

The annexation of Austria and Czechoslovakia in 1938 was done to avert war. But it did not work (, just as appeasement will not work now.

Why? It is no secret that Putin wants to restore the power of the Soviet Union, which had an aim to gain territory and power. While Germany invaded Poland’s western flank in September of 1939, Russia invaded it’s eastern flanks. ( Poland never regained the territory lost to Russia at that time. To think that following the boundaries a narcissist sets out will stop them from pursuing more, would be to ignore all the historical evidence.

In regards to the problems in Ukraine, they were caused by the annexation of Crimea ( The annexation of Crimea, was a response to Ukrainians removing a pro Russian leader, Russian punishment for Ukraine trying to be autonomous and democratic!

The irony is, that while Putin claims to want to eradicate Nazis, he is doing exactly what Hitler did. An omissive history makes it easier to teach people to dehumanise others (

There is no pleasing, there is no compromise, there is no end to the narcissist hunger for power. Everything is a means to their one end: supreme power. And they will lie, trick and steal to get it. Even convince your friends that is your fault.